The master degree is implemented and developed by combining the joint expertise of the WAVES Consortium, that consists of the following four High-Education Institution (also referred to as the Full Partners):

Local coordinator: Paulo Amado Mendes
The University of Coimbra is one of the oldest universities in the western world and has been classified as UNESCO World Heritage since June 2013. UC constitutes a reference in higher education and scientific research in Portugal, with excellent academic reputation recognized worldwide. It includes 8 faculties and 37 research centers, providing teaching and conducting research in various scientific domains and on technology related areas. One of its key specialization is Sustainable Constructions and Acoustic Efficiency in Urban Environment, which is part of the Master WAVES program. It is strongly linked to the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) that presents a considerable number of collaborations with industrial companies, mainly in the scope of consultancy works, specific partnerships or Research & Development- Innovation (R&DI) projects on topics related to building and room acoustics, noise control, vibrations and innovative acoustic solutions. Several Master Thesis have been conducted with companies in the context of R&DI projects.

Local coordinator: Javier Redondo
The city of Valencia is an important place of business and cultural heritage. The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) is ranked first among Spanish technological universities, according to the Shanghai Ranking. With its nearly 2.000 international students per year, the UPV actively promotes intercultural exchanges. Among the three UPV campuses, the Escuela Politecnica Superior de Gandia (located 60km south of Valencia) stands out for its experience in various fields within Acoustics, such as architectural acoustics, simulation and ultrasound applications. Acoustics at UPV is strongly linked with the Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas (IGIC). Moreover, a large number of companies devoted to electro-acoustics have long lasting fruitful collaboration with UPV (DAS audio, Lynx Audio, Equipson, Beyma, and so on). Furthermore, almost all of these companies have employed graduates from Master's degrees in acoustic engineering in their staffs. The same happens in the field of ultrasound applications, especially in underwater acoustics, where the last years activities have led to the creation of a cluster research unit between IGIC and the “Spanish Institute of Oceanography” from the “Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Local coordinator (ECM) : Cédric Maury
Local coordinator (AMU) : Sergey Gavrilyuk
Marseille is nowadays France's largest city on the Mediterranean coast and the largest port for commerce, freight and cruise ships. It is also well known for its national park of sublime coves called Calanques. The city was the European Capital of Culture in 2013 and the European Capital of Sport in 2017. Aix-Marseille University (AMU), the Coordinating Institution, is the largest French University in terms of number of students (78.000 students). It has been one of the three French universities labeled Excellence Initiative (IDEX A*Midex) in 2012 in the framework of the French “Investment for the Future” Program, and permanently granted this label after 2016. The Ecole Centrale Marseille (ECM) - or Central Graduate School - which belongs to the prestigious group of French Central Schools, is more focused on engineering. It trains generalist engineers with strong scientific and management skills.
AMU and ECM supports internationally recognized research in Acoustics within the Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics (LMA). An example of excellent relationships between industry and labs concerns the case of musical instruments. The LMA has worked for several years with Yamaha (world leader in musical instruments) and Buffet-Crampon (world leader in wind instruments). A joint laboratory, LIAMFI, has been recently created with these companies which now provides master internships, PhD theses and post-doctoral positions.
Other AMU and ECM partner laboratories are related to Acoustics, within the Federation of
Research Fabri de Peiresc in Marseille: LMA, the Institute for Research on Non-Equilibrium Phenomena (IRPHE) specialized on turbulence and aero-acoustics, the Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Green Processes (M2P2), the University Institute of Industrial Thermal Systems (IUSTI) and the Fresnel Institute which has strong expertise on meta-materials.